‘those rascally Elves!’…we’ve got some friendly visitors…

Scarily, December is already well upon us, and with it have come our yearly visitors: Tinsel and Jingle.

elfontheshelf the elves arrive

Or, as they are currently known by the Wee Man and Bubby D ‘those rascally elves’.

There’s no sitting around on shelves for our elves. They are interactive members of the family, coming on outings with us, sitting giving the Wee Man and Bubby D hugs on the sofa and participating in a bit of disco dancing when the mood arrives.

And of course overnight, they can get up to just a little bit of mischief!

They’ve climbed the tree and eaten a (chocolate) decoration or two:

elfontheshelf elves eating decorations

They’ve made a bit of a mess out of getting breakfast ready:

elfontheshelf elf breakfast

They’ve had an impromptu snowball fight…

elfontheshelf elf snowball fight

…relaxed with a quick game of Mariokart…

elfontheshelf elves mariokart

…and gone for a ride on the local train service.

The toothbrushing didn’t go entirely to plan:

elfontheshelf elf toothbrushing

And all that rascallyness gave them a bit of an appetite, so they decided it was time for a bit of baking!

elfontheshelf elf baking

The kids are loving having them around, and I have to admit it’s pretty fun for the adults too. We’re looking forward to seeing what they get up to next week!


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