The Testing trilogy, Guns n’ Roses, and MORE Guns n’ Roses #littleloves

It seems like the sun has brought busyness with it – this whole week has passed in a blur of activity…

…and here is what I’ve been up to:


True to form, I’ve stuck to dystopia again this week. The Testing Trilogy was recommended to me by my kindle unlimited ‘you might like this stuff’ listing thingy that always draws me in, and yes, you are right, all-knowing list of stuff… I DID LIKE IT. Actually it kept me reading and wanting more. It was a bit like the Hunger Games actually, but with slightly different twists and reasoning.

I also read a Historic England document about social value in heritage placemaking, but I guess that’s more of an acquired taste.


I’ve been slowly making my way through Orange is the New Black – and just from writing that slowly bit, it’s kind of obvious that perhaps it hasn’t grabbed my attention in the way that the previous series have. I’ll keep on going though…

…just as I have been with the Handmaids Tale, which really is grabbing attention. Being a small weekly offering though, I have no choice but to wait for each instalment. It’s set out a bit differently from the book, but it needs to be I think to work as a coherent TV adaptation. Things are starting to get interesting, anyway. Well, they have been for a while really, but nowthey are even more so.

And the most exciting thing that I watched this week was GUNS N’ ROSES πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€guns n roses london stadium

I don’t think there are smily enough emoji’s – of the yellow or old school typeface versions – to capture exactly how smily that made me. 23 years of waiting. It was totally worth it. I am still smiling now, woohoo :DDDDD


It was Father’s Day last Sunday, and I was working all day which I felt a bit guilty about, so I made slow cooker bolognese for the Other Half because a) he likes bolognese b) so do the kids and c) it would mean he kind of got dinner made for him. I also helped the girls to make him blueberry pancakes for his breakfast. So altogether he did quite well.


Well, I wore my Guns n’ Roses top to go and see them. It’s from EMP and I really like the cut of it – it’s loose around the shoulders and also quite a long length. Plus of course I got a tour t-shirt, which I’ve also worn athough not during the week – I think it would be frowned upon at work as it features some kind of zombie looking beefeater.



Guns n’ Roses, obviously.

And lastly…

This coming week will most likely contain less Guns n’ Roses. And more making of things.

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