Mothering Sunday – Making cards with Gel-a-Peel

What does every mum want for Mothering Sunday?

Other than a lie in, breakfast in bed, and a spa day (these seem to be popular themes amongst those asked), something handmade is the thing that comes up regularly as ‘the thing’ of Mothering Sunday awesomeness.

gel a peel mothering sunday card making

Gel-a-Peel makes handmade a bit special, because it can be used for a whole load of cool stuff – creating jewellery, making little silicon shapes, and decorating cards. That’s what D decided to get stuck into. I was hoping not literally, as – having opened up the pack which contains three tubes of Gel-a-Peel, a mould tray, four assorted nozzles, scraper, pointed stick thingy and some instructions and jewellery guides – it seemed like Gel-a-Peel might be very sticky indeed.

gel-a-peel set whats in it

Actually it isn’t. The silicon stuff feels sticky at first, but once its dry it becomes easy to peel. I guess that’s why it’s called Gel-a-Peel…

D started off by making some flower shapes in the mould, which we left to dry overnight.

gel-a-peel flower moulds

Then she got going with the card decorating. Since I was helping her, she decided that her card is going to be for Nana (who is very excitingly coming to visit us in a couple of weeks) and she will wait til I’m not looking to make something for me.

gel a peel mothers day card making (640x426)

I did wonder how she’d get on with squeezing the tubes and making patterns and words but she found it a lot easier than I expected, and within a few minutes her first creation was ready for viewing.

gel a peel card mothers day (640x427)

The tubes look reasonably small, but actually there is a lot of the silicon stuff squeezed in there – despite making a few flowers and decorating her card there is still plenty left for a few more cards and jewels.

Apparently I’m not allowed to watch the next one, because I have to wait for the 26th… but I’m sure it will be equally lovely. I’ll let you know on Mothering Sunday!


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