‘Do what you want’ day

Last week, everyone was pretty tired. A few weeks of school for the kids and a few weeks of work for me had left us all a bit worn out and grumpy.

So on the first day of half-term, not wanting to get out from under my comfy duvet myself I decided to suggest to the kids that we had ‘do what you want day’ – a day where everyone gets to pretty much do what they want as long as its a)not illegal b)something that doesn’t hurt anyone and c)stuff that doesn’t involve damaging property or burning down the house. You get the idea.

The kids were quite keen, judging by the immediate squealing in delight. Once I had got through the bleary eyed stupor bit of the morning, I was quite intrigued to see what they’d actually want to do, given free reign.

This is what they came up with:

  • Turn every single part of the front room into a crazy cushion den, then empty the plastic laundry tubs and use them to bounce up and down on
  • Create a ‘TV watching podium’ then lie on it for a while and watch Netflix on neverending loop, until…
  • …it’s toffee time. I was quite impressed they limited themselves to only a couple of toffees each, otherwise I might have had to intervene slightly at that point because having sugared up vomiting children definitely didn’t fit with what I myself wanted from the day!
  • Go back to the den thing, and create an elaborate storyline which requires jumping and rolling and stepping over things

do what you want day

  • McDonalds for lunch
  • Go on a little scenic adventure on the way back from that
  • Read the free books that came with the McDonalds for lunch
  • Watch a bit more TV
  • Pasta for tea
  • Bath and bed (and pass out, still worn out but in a much better way).

It’s safe to say that they loved it, and I quite enjoyed it too. I think quite often we try and do too much in the school holidays because it feels like the time should be used productively, but actually it was really nice to take a step back and give ourselves permission to just relax and have fun.

‘Mummy, when can we have do what you want day again?’ Seb asked me, the next morning (a hopeful look in his eye).

It was tempting to do it all over again, but while it was good for one day I do think it’s probably something that wouldn’t work so well if it happened too often. So we’ve agreed on Christmas – and since the Other Half is on leave to spend time with them then it’ll be interesting to see how he finds it!

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